Better Outcomes Now Welcomes Zhuang (Strong) She

We are very excited to announce that Zhuang (Strong) She has joined the Better Outcomes Now (BON) leadership team as a Project Leader, our PCOMS/BON ambassador to China. His practice, research, and training expertise will be invaluable in continuing to bring PCOMS and BON to China. In many ways, Mr. She’s joining of the BON team proves how small the world really is and what wonderful things can come out of a simple email request for information. Here is his brief bio:
Zhuang She, Project Leader, Better Outcomes Now
Zhuang She is a researcher and practitioner who has been a trainer of PCOMS for six years. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the school of psychology and cognitive science, East China Normal University (Shanghai). Mr. She first met Dr. Barry Duncan in 2015 through e-mail exchanges when he was preparing his graduate research programs. They met in person at Sias University (Zhengzhou, China) in 2017. Zhuang and Barry have established an extremely productive relationship around PCOMS and importantly, a great friendship. They have collaborated on several projects over the years, including introducing PCOMS into China and conducting the first clinical trial of PCOMS with a Chinese clinical population. These studies have laid a foundation for the use of PCOMS in Chinese clinical settings. Zhuang also worked with Barry to translate the Better Outcomes Now web application to Chinese, which is now available for mental health professionals in China. Zhuang has single-handedly brought scientific credibility to PCOMS in China through his research which first validated the Chinese ORS and SRS and then demonstrated that PCOMS is not just a Western phenomenon but also improves outcomes and reduces dropouts in China.
Zhuang She’s PCOMS Publications
She, Z., Duncan, B. L., Zhang, W. (in press). Routine outcome monitoring in China: A
case study of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (invited article). Journal of Clinical Psychology.
She, Z., Duncan, B. L., Xi, J. Z. (2021). The Partners for Change Outcome Management
System and Its Clinical Application. Manuscript submitted for publication (in Chinese).
She, Z., Shi, Y., Duncan, B. L., Xie, D., Xi, J., Sun, Q., & Ji, W. (2021). Psychometric
properties and longitudinal invariance of the session rating scale in Chinese clinical samples. Current Psychology, Advance online publication.
She, Z., Xi, J. Z., Shi, Y. W., Jiang, G. R. (2021). The Development of Formal Feedback
and Its Clinical Application. Journal of Psychological Science, 44(01), 223-229 (in Chinese).
She, Z., Duncan, B. L., Reese, R. J., Sun, Q. W., Shi, Y. W., Jiang, G. R., et al. (2018).
Client feedback in China: A randomized clinical trial in a college counseling center. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 65(6), 727–737. doi:10.1037/cou0000300.
She, Z., Jiang, G. R., Sun, Q. W, Shi, Y. W. (2017). Formal feedback in psychotherapy.
Advances in Psychological Science, 25 (7),1197-1207. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2017.01197 (in Chinese).
She, Z., Sun, Q. W., & Jiang, G. R. (2017). Reliability and validity of Chinese version of
the Outcome rating scale. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology. 25(2), 272–275 (in Chinese).
The next Training of Training Conference (TOT) is scheduled! Eight 3 hour sessions on consecutive Tuesdays from October 5 to November 23.