The 2025 Training of Trainers Conference: Implementing Measurement Based Care

The dates for the 2025 TOT are set. It begins on Wednesday, February 5th and run via Zoom for 8 consecutive Wednesdays from 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST. A total of 24 CEUS is awarded. The TOT intends to give you all you need to train others and implement the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) in your organization. The cost is $1195 US. The Bob Bohanske scholarship is available for folks of under-represented populations. Contact Barry at to register. Space is limited.
- Wednesday February 5, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: What is PCOMS? About the TOT; Introductions; Becoming a Certified Trainer; Initial Evaluation; Six Core Areas of Training; What distinguishes our organization, Better Outcomes Now, and its training? Our Mission; Research; Core Area 1: The Evolution of the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) and Measurement Based Care (MBC); Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday February 12, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: Confidence Scale Results; Core Area 2: Seven rationales for PCOMS and MBC (Manual Chapter Ten): PCOMS solves the problems in the field (drop outs, not everyone benefits, therapist variability, and unknown effectiveness); PCOMS research, now 10 RCTs (Manual Chapter Twelve); PCOMS is a proven quality improvement strategy; PCOMS enhances the aspects of the work that account for change, the Common Factors (Manual Chapter Thirteen); PCOMS incorporates the predictors of ultimate outcome (early change & alliance); PCOMS operationalizes client privilege and social justice, a methodology for cultural responsiveness; and Accelerates development. Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday February 19, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: Core Area 3: The Clinical Nuances of PCOMS; Group Discussion of obstacles; Top Ten Reasons people don’t want to do PCOMS; Training addresses all concerns & challenges by design; Teach content, demonstrate via video or live demo, and role play/discussion; The Ten Skills of PCOMS (Manual Chapter One); Skills 1-2: Introducing and Making Sense of the ORS; Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday February 26, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: Core Area 3 (cont.); The Ten Skills (Manual Chapter One), Skills 3-4; Most important, Skill 3: Connecting to the client’s experience and reason(s) for service to the ORS; Family work (Manual Chapters 4, 5); Discussion and Assignment. Mid-TOT Evaluation
- Wednesday March 5, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: Core Area 3 (cont.): No bad news on SRS (Manual Chapter Two); Skills 5-7: Introducing the SRS, Building a Culture of Feedback, and Tailoring the Alliance; High scores, low scores, it’s all good; Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday March 12, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: After the first session (Manual Chapter Three) Skills 8-10: When things are changing; When there is no change; Checkpoint Conversations and Last Chance Discussions; Failing successfully; Core Area 4: The Measures, Psychometrics, and Key Progress Indicators; norms, reliable & clinically significant change; average change; effect size; expected treatment response (all the stuff you hate, Manual Chapter Eleven); Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday March 19, 2:00 to 5:00 PM EST: Core Area 5: Four Secrets of Successful Implementation (Manual Chapter Eight): In It for the Long Haul (Readiness Checklist); Love Your Data (Better Outcomes Now); Inspire the Front-Line Clinician (Clinician Development); Discussion and Assignment.
- Wednesday March 26, 2:00 to 5:00 EST Core Area 5 (cont.): Supervision for a Change in Both Clients and Therapists (Manual Chapter Nine; 4 Steps); Therapist Fidelity and Ensuring Data Integrity; Identifying At Risk Clients and Shaping the Conversation; Stats and Therapist Development; Mentoring and Professional Reflection; Core Area 6: The essence or purpose of PCOMS: Operationalizing social justice and client privilege while identifying at risk clients and doing something about It. Final Evaluation.
Our Mission
We are on a quest to replace client-diminishing practices with client-directed ones: services that are based in a relational model instead of a medical one, are more informed by client-rated outcomes than expert opinion, best guesses, or wishful thinking, and are more guided by client preferences, culture, and ideas than theory, model, and technique. We see PCOMS and BON as a vehicle for these changes.
Six Core Areas of PCOMS and the TOT
- History, Mission, and Evolution of PCOMS
- Seven Rationales for PCOMS and Measurement Based Care: The Problems in the Field, Feedback Research, PCOMS as a QI Strategy, the Predictors, the Common Factors, Social Justice, and Accelerating Development
- The Clinical Nuances of PCOMS; The Ten Skills
- The Measures, Psychometrics, and Key Progress Indicators
- Four Secrets of Successful Implementation: In It for the Long Haul (Readiness Checklist); Love Your Data (Better Outcomes Now); Inspire the Front-Line Clinician (Getting Better/Clinician Development); Supervision for a Change (4 Steps)
- Improving Outcomes at the Individual and Agency Levels; The Purpose of PCOMS: Systematic Recapture of At-Risk Clients while Operationalizing Client Privilege and Social Justice.
Join us for a full emersion into not only what works in therapy, but delivering it!