PCOMS–Evidence Based Practice

A typical evidence based practice for mental health refers to a model, technique, or intervention that has demonstrated — in two randomized clinical trials (RCTs) — improved outcomes over treatment as usual or over no treatment. However, the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS), an evidence based practice that uses client feedback, is anything but typical. Here’s why:

PCOMS has eight RCTs that demonstrate its effectiveness.

These RCTs span across various cross-cultural sites (including the U.S., Europe, and China), client populations (including the impoverished and disenfranchised), therapeutic models, and modalities of service, making a strong case for the routine use of PCOMS in everyday practice. In addition, because of the RCTs conducted by those affiliated with Better Outcomes Now, PCOMS was designated as an evidenced based practice by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and listed in the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.

PCOMS is atheoretical and may be integrated into any approach.

Typical evidence based practice refers to specific models or techniques that address specific client diagnoses. PCOMS does not suggest how to understand client problems nor does it prescribe a treatment for them. Rather, it provides a vehicle with which to partner with clients around their views of benefit and the alliance, and the ability to identify when whatever chosen model is not helping the client. Identifying at-risk clients and taking proactive steps to change service prevents drop out and usually turns things around.

PCOMS applies to all clients regardless of diagnosis.

So, in effect, one size does fit all, allowing you to be evidence based across your clients (in contrast to the impractical notion that you can learn an evidence based approach for each diagnosis on a seemingly ever-growing list).

PCOMS is an evidence based practice at two levels.

It is evidence based because of the seven RCTs that found significant benefits for both clients and therapists when feedback was part of the work — regardless of the theoretical orientations of the therapists or the diagnoses of the clients.

More importantly, PCOMS is evidence based at the individual client-therapist level. PCOMS focuses you on the present evidence of effectiveness with the client in your office right now. In other words, it is evidence based practice one client at a time. Try a free trial of our PCOMS based software.

New PCOMS Manual | Evidence Based Practice for Mental Health | Better Outcomes Now