Top Ten Features that Make BON Superior

Besides BON’s ease of use, intuitive functionality, and attractiveness, there are plenty of additional benefits for using this routine outcome monitoring and PCOMS software. Here are the top ten features that make BON superior:

Single Page<br/>Views

Single Page

Single Page<br/>Views

Single Page

Real time, single page views for consumers, providers, supervisors, and administrators; “At a glance” indicators of client benefit that alerts clients, providers, and supervisors.

Fidelity and Data<Br/>Integrity

Fidelity and Data

Fidelity and Data<Br/>Integrity

Fidelity and Data

BON highlights the importance of the ORS remaining relevant to the reasons for service; Tracks fidelity to PCOMS and data validity ensuring successful implementation.





Organizational, supervisory, and data infrastructure to fit your unique practice needs.

Aggregate Reports<br/>and Data Accuracy

Aggregate Reports
and Data Accuracy

Aggregate Reports<br/>and Data Accuracy

Aggregate Reports
and Data Accuracy

Unlimited data analyses and reporting capabilities on four key outcome indicators; Custom exclusion of invalid data in addition to the automatic exclusions to ensure data accuracy.

Data Filtering

Data Filtering

Data Filtering

Data Filtering

Sorts data by service, client type, age, dates, and/or by customizable filters—including funder, grant, program, or location.

Remote Access

Remote Access

Remote Access

Remote Access

Performs all BON functions as if client was in the room.

PCOMS eLearning

PCOMS eLearning

PCOMS eLearning

PCOMS eLearning

Comprehensive online training resources including client videos of BON and PCOMS.

Multiple Languages

Multiple Languages

Multiple Languages

Multiple Languages

PCOMS measures in 11 languages in BON; Total BON application translated in Norwegian, Hungarian, Chinese, and Spanish.

Responsive Customer Service

Responsive Customer Service

Responsive Customer Service

Responsive Customer Service

The BON Team is invested in your success because we know why you do this work.

EHR Integration

EHR Integration

EHR Integration

EHR Integration

Coming in 2020, the ability to embed BON graphs into electronic progress notes as well as other integration features.