BON Graduate Program Partnership

Graduate Program Partnership

Graduate education not only provides extensive preparation in the theory and practice of counseling, psychotherapy, and human services, it also charts the course for the student’s future development. With the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) and its true web application, Better Outcomes Now, graduate programs in psychology, social work, mental health counseling, marriage and family therapy, and human services can prepare students for a lifetime of growth as therapy or counseling professionals, while immersing students in measurement-based technology sure to be part of any direction their careers may take. That’s why Better Outcomes Now partners with university graduate programs to provide discounted access.

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Screenshot of The Outcome Measurement Tool

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Getting your graduate program started with a free trial of the Better Outcomes Now outcome measurement tool is easy! Just fill out the form below and we will contact you to walk you through the set-up process.

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Current Graduate Program Partners

Our Lady of the Lake

Our Lady of the Lake

Spaulding University

Spalding University

Colombia International University

Columbia International University

Divine Mercy University

Divine Mercy University

University of Central Arkansas

University of Central Arkansas

University of Rhode Island

University of Rhode Island

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Evidence-Based Practice Meets Measurement-Based Care

Developed by Dr. Barry Duncan, the Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) is a designated evidence-based practice of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). PCOMS identifies clients at risk for dropout or negative outcomes so that a different course of action can be collaboratively charted. Seven randomized clinical trials demonstrate that PCOMS delivers in real-world settings with both better outcomes and efficiency.

As the web application of PCOMS, Better Outcomes Now improves quality of service using real-time client feedback to maximize opportunities for successful outcomes.

Why Better Outcomes Now and PCOMS for Graduate Programs?

Better Outcomes Now with PCOMS creates a lifelong developmental path for monitoring and improving effectiveness. It encourages students to proactively acquire the skills, training, and experience needed to grow as professionals and to fend off the grim reaper of burnout — as research shows that professional stagnation is a prime cause of burnout.

In addition, Better Outcomes Now with PCOMS:

  • Provides a full training curriculum: webinars, readings, and client videos that bring PCOMS and Better Outcomes Now to life
  • Allows a-theoretical integration into any therapy or counseling model, so that faculty of any orientation can incorporate it into course content
  • Introduces students to the importance of measurement-based care, helping them understand how data inform and improve service delivery
  • Prepares students for practice after graduation by demonstrating the concepts of accountability and measurement-based care now required by accrediting bodies
  • Reinforces the importance of consumer-driven care, collaboration, and the therapeutic alliance

In summary, Better Outcomes Now with PCOMS sets the stage for continued growth over the course of a professional career in therapy or counseling. It also builds a culture of accountability while reinforcing the value of privileging clients and building strong therapeutic alliances.

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Using the Outcome Measurement Tool on a tablet